Avoiding SAP Audit Risk when Replicating

Most replication software products violate SAP’s stipulations, exposing you to SAP Audit risk and the risk of SAP-imposed technical restrictions. The risk is real.

SAP Note 3255746

For years SAP has been saying DON’T USE ODP/ODQ for external CDC! This goes back to at least 2017. Note 3255746 has been revised multiple times, with each update reflecting SAP’s escalating efforts to restrict this activity and the associated risk of penalties. A whole host of replication vendors offered cheap solutions in recent years that connect directly to SAP’s expressly prohibited interfaces.

SAP Audit

There is great risk of an SAP audit (which is their absolute and legal right) and/or risk that SAP will render the interface technically inoperable for external RFC.

This has put so many SAP customers at risk (Remember the Diageo licensing case anyone?) because vendors selling ODP CDC aren’t SAP experts. They view SAP as just another piece of software – without understanding the special, central place SAP occupies in an organization.

And that is where we are today – companies were sold a “CDC Solution” that was too good to be true.

The SAP Piper is getting his flute out of the case, and the tune isn’t one that most want to hear.

SAP Certified

At Simplement, we chose a different path. We have been working with SAP for over 30 years and have always respected their covenants and guidance. When we built Roundhouse, we researched and followed the rules.

Roundhouse has:

  • Zero reliance on ODP/ODQ
  • No direct database connection (no ODBC/JDBC)
  • 100 percent application layer integration

Whether you are exposed to 3255746 or not, connect with us. Our team is composed of Technical and SAP functional experts, who thrive on solving each customer’s unique problems.

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